Now Hiring Musicians in Orlando Fl.

#TNM The New Music Movement
7 months ago

NOW HIRING MUSICIANS IN ORLANDO! We have created an amazing upscale event in Orlando Florida for Valentine's Day. The purpose of the event is to use a Jam session as entertainment for guests. This will allow us to hear musicians in real-time and see how they improv while also learning about their stage presence in a laid-back upscale setting! Come in plugin Grace the mic and join our OPEN JAM SESSION!

We hired an amazing chef to cover your Valentine's dinner prepared by Le Cordon Blue Chef Rasafire and there is a GREAT bartender so that all guests may drink free! We have invited some of the most Dynamic Soul and R&B vocalists in the world. WE NEED MUSICIANS IN ORLANDO for 12 up-and-coming shows. We are expanding our events company and will be choosing band members who will be our consistent entertainment for these events. This event is how we will choose them We have provided a free option. If you will be celebrating Valentine's with us that night we have also provided a way to enjoy a romantic and exciting experience! You must RSVP and claim a ticket even if you are just coming to play. Free entry options still need to be registered and your name must be on the list to enter this private party event.


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#TNM The New Music Movement
